PUA Openers: Know When to Use the Right One

PUA Openers

PUA openers are your opening statement or action, which is used to strike up a conversation with your target.

The four main kinds of PUA openers are:

Situational PUA Openers

Situational PUA openers are the most natural opener and usually generate good results, but unlike canned PUA openers they are dependent on your environment and your ability to translate what’s going on around you into words. Situational PUA openers allow you to both share a moment in which you’re witnessing or experiencing something together.

Example: You’re both at a party and you notice her spill her drink, you would say “this is why we can’t have nice things” or “are you always this clumsy?” Remember to smile so she knows you’re joking and being playful.

Opinion PUA Openers

Low risk PUA openers designed to get her opinion on a certain subject, usually related to something females are typically interested in talking about. Good topics usually involve dating, relationships, celebrities, sex and fashion. These are especially effective for working group sets because they engage the entire group into an interesting conversation, which will often spark agreements/disagreements within the group in your topic. Always remember to use a time constraint so they know you’re not staying and have a reason why you’re asking them, for example you want them to settle an argument you and your buddies were having.

Example: Hey guys, I have to get back to my friends but I need you to settle something for us. Who do you think lies more, men or women?

Direct PUA Openers

These PUA openers directly state your interest in her, this is usually a compliment or a statement of intent. Direct PUA openers show confidence and an ability to handle rejection, something which women find incredibly attractive in a man. While it takes more confidence to pull this off, everything gets easier with direct game. You won’t need to think of openers, it will appear more natural and she will know you’re not using canned material. Make sure you actually mean what you say otherwise it won’t appear natural.

Direct openers are especially powerful during day game or situations where women aren’t expecting to get hit on.

Example: I noticed you from over there and I thought you looked interesting. I just had to come and meet you

Non-verbal PUA Openers

These are the easiest PUA openers you will come across. Open non-verbally will put more emphasis on your body language and you won’t be worrying about the first perfect opening line. You can open non-verbally with anything, even something as simple as toasting glasses and saying “cheers”, not a lot of women will decline that. It doesn’t even matter if she’s not holding a drink…that can be your conversation starter; women usually have a story about that.

Non-verbal PUA openers allow you to engage many targets without doing much work. You can gauge the interest of many women in a small amount of time and then choose which ones to pursue.

Example: Use non-verbal openers like the cheers, putting out your hand, spinning her around, or lightly bumping into her

See also how to transition from the opener after approaching women. After a while you won’t even have to think about which PUA openers to use, you’ll automatically know with experience.

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